> Contact
Weger Biomasse GmbH
Handwerkerzone, 19, 39058 Sarnthein (BZ)
Tel.: +39 3485604855 Fax +39 0471 1651564
VAT Nr. / P. IVA 02885410213
E-mail: info@weger-biomasse.it
Proprietor: Karl Göller
We will be pleased to inform you about availability, terms of delivery and pricing of our products and services.
Do not hesitate to contact us via telephone, fax or e-mail. Your request will be dealt with as soon as possible.
via telephone: Tel.: +39 3485604855
vai e-mail: info@weger-biomasse.it
via fax: +39 0471 1651564
We are looking forward to your enquiry!